In the customs of all countries
Do real business with Aseman Gostar Pardisan

Aseman Gostar Pardisan Trading Company

Aseman Gostar Pardisan Trading Company, in cooperation with reliable transport companies, delivers hand-picked and quality fruits such as apples, bananas, mangoes, kiwis, coconuts, tangerines, grapes, cherries and apricots to the countries of India and Pakistan in a safe and secure manner. , Iraq, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Russia, Oman and Qatar. This company uses modern and advanced equipment to transport fruits so that the fruits maintain their quality during the transportation process.

Aseman Gostar Pardisan company puts the fruits in suitable and resistant packages so that they are not damaged during the transportation process.

Safe transportation
Aseman Gostar Pardisan company, in cooperation with reliable transport companies, transports fruits safely and securely to India and Pakistan.
Mazandaran orange gold harvest
زمان مطالعه: < 1 دقیقه The harvest of oranges in the citrus orchards of Mazandaran, which started in mid-autumn when the sugar of this autumn fruit is complete, will continue for six months. The main supplier of oranges in the country is Mazandaran province, and the gardeners of Mazandaran are proud of the first place in citrus production in the ...
- Unit 6, Zanos Building-3rd Floor, 8th Alley, West Qodousi, Shiraz, Iran
- Anna building juhu scheme 13th road. Mumbai 400049
- +987136300955
- +987136300964
- Instagram address